For the last 15 plus years Ocean Cigars NJ has focused on providing premium cigars to Ocean City, NJ and the surrounding area. Not only do we carry the largest selection of hand rolled cigars, but we also stock brands not commonly found at other cigar shops in the area. Come try one out in our relaxing Cigar Lounge. We want to be your primary source for all things cigars and aim to ensure that you are always well educated when it comes to choosing the best cigar or humidor.
Some of our top brands include:
1.Don't overlook the importance of comfort. Look for a cigar with a shape that feels comfortable to you. Also, make sure the cigar feels consistently firm throughout with no divots or spots that feel as if the tobacco is missing.
2.Take a close look at the wrapper - are there any gaps or tears? Was the outermost leaf applied flawlessly and with great attention to detail?
3.Uniformity is king. Make sure your cigar's color is consistent throughout. Furthermore, a cigar with a nice luster or sheen means that it was probably well taken care of.
4.Does the cigar feel dry or is the outer leaf flaking or starting to crumble as you touch it? This could be an indication that it wasn't stored in the proper humidity.
5.What does it smell like? If you don't like the way it smells, chances are the taste of it won't be appealing to you either.