If you're looking for the finest selection of hand rolled cigars, you've come to the right place. Ocean Cigars, located in Ocean City, NJ, has the largest selection of premium cigars in the area, as well as a comfortable Cigar Lounge to enjoy your samples. Carrying all the top brands such as Ashton, Arturo Fuente, and many more, we've got everything you're looking for when it comes to premium boutique cigars. Searching for a brand that may not be as common? Chances are we have it, and if not, we can certainly special order it for you.
Ocean Cigars NJ has been your top provider of hand rolled cigars for over 15 years. When it comes to cigars our staff have extensive knowledge that is unmatched in the area. Once you've found your perfect boutique cigar, kick back and relax in our state-of-the-art Cigar Lounge. We know what it takes to make the most high quality cigars and as a result we only sell the best. From advice on the leading brands to information about the best humidors on the market, our staff's focus is on ensuring you receive only the finest quality product.